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November 25, 2006


I had vaguely heard of Al Biruni during my undergraduate years in India and later read a fine article in UNESCO's Courier magazine but only after living in Afghanistan for a year did I come to appreciate and admire his contribution to a variety of pedagogic fields. Although born outside the present turf of Afghanistan, he is revered by all educated Afghans who regard him as one of their own. The history of Afghanistan (Gandhara) is intricately woven together with that of the Indian subcontinent and all Indians, Pakistanis, Afghans, Uzbeks and Persians can claim Al Biruni as their scholar!

wonderful blog, Thanks

I had studied alberuni in my school days but entirely forgot when my son in class seven wanted a write up. I had to take the help of net. How Alberuni managed so many things for so many years.

I recently read Al beruni's Book of India vol #1. Although it covers far more facts and faces of india 900 years back. But what I noted is that he (Alberuni) did not mingle with common man in the streets of indian cities and towns. He talk about the noble and learned men and the Elite class (those who role in socity, knowlidge and religion) but he didnt talked about the common men in the street, his life and language. Al beruni told us about Sanskrit all the time but he said no word for the languages spoken in parts of india from east to west and from coast of Kerala to Hamalias..I wonder if only he registered some account of everyday life of lay men in the towns and villeges in india it would have been a great contibution towards understanding the land and the people.. yet no doubt Alberuni's book of India is one of its kind,, a matchless master peace of wisdon for those who seeks.....have a nice day :)

I wanted to thank for this great read!I really enjoyed reading.

I am very eger to read original contribution of Alberuni with including Hindu mathematics and Arabic mathematics.I am very interested to history of mathematics. I am very glad for getting few knowledge about Alberuni. If possible please send me Alberuni's India in my email address, [email protected]
I will very grateful to all of them.

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