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March 21, 2011


Congratulations! I just reread the article and found it (yet again) incredibly moving. I hope that the prize money can benefit some of those whose stories Valmiki's book and your article open up to us.

My friend Louise sent me this wonderful animated Jacquie Lawson greeting card. Thank you, Louise!

Congratulations! Keep writing!

Congratulations Namit ! I am so, so happy for you. I suddenly remembered last night that results were supposed to be out tommorrow (i.e today). I am simply delighted- it was a wonderful piece that you wrote and you totally, totally deserved to win. So 3 cheers and more power to your blog ! You will have to Celebrate on behalf of all of us :)


Keep up the good work!

Congratulations!!! Eagerly awaiting the next piece of writing....

Thank you all for your support and wishes. I think my 15 mins of fame is now officially over. :)

(Asma, I happen to know — my spies are everywhere, ha, ha — that you also voted for me. Thanks!)

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