Where: Adianta School for Leadership & Innovation, New Delhi.
When: Tuesday, 19 November, 2013; 10 am - 6 pm
Instructor: Namit Arora
Listen up, young professionals! Chances are that you chose your profession for a host of reasons: perhaps you were lured by its financial rewards; perhaps you chose its promise of daily joy or intellectual adventure; perhaps you saw it as a means to positively impact the lives of your fellow humans. Or perhaps, as is fairly common, you didn't choose your profession as much as it was chosen for you by peer pressure and family expectations. Whatever your mix of reasons, you are now immersed in it and wonder—occasionally if not often—about the professional path and the milestones you ought to pursue.
Now imagine you've reached the end of your professional life. You're looking back and reflecting on what you've achieved. How would you like to sum it up? In other words, what would you like your professional obituary to read like? Central to this imaginative exercise are questions like: given that life is short and you will die, what pursuits are worth devoting 40-50 hours a week to and why, what measures of success and rewards should you value, and what might it cost you to get there (as in opportunity costs, psychic costs, etc.). In "Critical Writing III — Write your professional obituary", we'll explore this subject matter through critical readings, group discussions, and hands-on writing (leading to your 300-word professional obituary). After this workshop, you may well have some answers, or at least more clarity on the questions you'll need to resolve in order to evolve and attain your long-term professional aspirations.
To learn more about the Adianta School, or to register for this workshop, go here.
(NB: This workshop was offered for three years, 2013-15.)