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June 16, 2013


I seriously doubt if India will ever be a just, modern, liberal, secular, humane, and democratic society. We as a society are too inward looking. For us reformation means returning to our old value system. And there in lies the fallacy.

Namit Sir,

Long back, I was reading a book named "Sanskriti ke Char Adhyaya" by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar. There was one sentence that left a permanent mark on my mind. Hindus are operational conservative in nature while they talk too much as theoretical liberal.

Its so hard to change views in Indian society and conditions around us. Political and economic changes seems easy in comparison for socially inclusive movements. A country that does even understand merit, how will be able to respect equality. Dr. Ambedkar is huge figure who has given quantum push to our society in reformation.

I read the whole thing. Ambedkar comes across as a smart, well-educated guy but, like Obama, full of bad ideas.

Anand, like what? If you don't mind, please mention at least three of his ideas that you consider bad. I ask because I'm curious what you'd consider bad, not because I think he never had a bad idea. Thanks.

Hi Namit, no man but a fool ever wrote but for money.

"The Untouchables (Dalits) of India want economic, social, political, religious and educational equality in Society, not in the eyes of God"
(Harbans Lal Badhan)

Anand Manikutty..what exactky do you mean ?

Ambedkar means revolution. Revolution means Ambedkar.

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